Leadership Development

Replacing an executive can cost more than 100 percent of that executive’s annual salary.

Developing the next generation of leadership from within and coaching to enhance skills are often the best, most cost-effective options for your organization’s performance.

At New Leaf, we help your executives:

Leadership development means different things to different people at different times. When you know that leadership skills need to be enhanced—by an individual or by a team—we’ll work with you to determine:

Executive leadership development depends on present or projected organization needs and challenges. We integrate your executive leadership development within the context of your organization’s goals, for optimum individual performance and maximum return on investment.

We also train leaders to be internal coaches to improve employee development, reduce turnover and increase effectiveness.

To identify leadership development needs and opportunities, we administer and interpret these instruments and assessments for our clients:

Learn more about our Instruments and Assessments.

Contact us today at (917) 531-1375 or newleafsocal@gmail.com
for a no-charge initial discussion.  

Organization Effectiveness | Leadership Development | Executive Coaching
Clients | Case Studies | Biographies | Instruments and Assessments

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